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Division over Thai military rule

Thailand goes to the polls on December the 23rd to elect a new government. It is hoped that this time the military’s generals will not intervene as they have 18 times in recent history by staging coups against a sitting government. But what, if anything, has the military achieved in Thailand over the past year that made them think they could do better than Thaksin Shinawatra’s deposed Thai Rak Thai party?

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Vietnam dissident released amid rights concerns

Yesterday Vietnam deported a Vietnamese-American pro-democracy activist after his arrest last month with a group of other dissidents triggered protests from the United States. And last week, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom reported that Vietnam’s overall human rights record remained very poor, and has deteriorated in the last year.

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China rich list rising in boom

China’s economy is experiencing unprecedented growth as a whole and there’s a growing number of individuals who are entering the lists of the world’s rich – and even super rich. In their annual China Rich List, now in it’s tenth year tracking the people captaining the Chinese economy, Hurun Report has unearthed some truly stunning data amongst the 800,000 millionaires, and 106 billionaires, at the top of the financial pile.

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Mental Notes: October 2007

MELBOURNE–Two and a bit weeks into night shiftin’ and I think I’ve got the daytime sleeping thing going on. Five hours after getting in at 6am, then a power nap around 4pm. Considering Burma, Thailand, Russia, PNG and a whole lot of earthquaking is going on, the time flies really. Hear the outcome as I read the news, on the hour, by selecting ‘Listen Now Online’ at Radio Australia from 2300 EST, 2100 HKT, 1300 GMT, 0900 US EDT, weekdays until Oct 11.

Mental Notes: September 2007

MELBOURNE–Remember graveyard and around-the-clock shifts we did for fun? I recall about seven years of a once-weekly radio show, completely freeform, very strange. Closing magazines with blathering reviews. Launching websites immersed in code. But I’m about to descend into a daily pattern of this for a month with no giggling allowed. Hear the outcome, on the hour, by selecting ‘Listen Now Online’ at Radio Australia from 2300 EST, 2100 HKT, 1300 GMT, 0900 US EDT, weekdays from Sept 16. Youch.