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Mobile-optimised Google search results could bury Pacific content

From Wednesday, Google will change the way it ranks search, prioritising companies that have mobile-friendly websites when people use the search engine on smart phones or tablet computers.

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Aus Senate votes for Moss Review committee as govt signs on Cambodia

It’s now been confirmed that Australia’s Senate will establish a Select Committee to review allegations relating to conditions and circumstances at the Australian-run Regional Processing Centre on Nauru.

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Court win for LNG ‘super major’ Total to see huge PNG windfall

An international court overnight dismissed the claims of Papua New Guinea company Oil Search that it retained ownership of 40 per cent of the Elk-Antelope gas field in the nation’s Gulf Province.

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Call for anti-‘grasshopping’ ideas for 2016 Vanuatu referendum

The Vanuatu government has announced a new attempt to change its parliamentary system to stop MPs crossing the floor and to clarify the affiliations of independents.

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‘Tigers’ snared by China’s anti-corruption campaign

Since his ascendency to general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in November 2012 and the presidency in March 2013, Xi Jinping has executed a sweeping anti-corruption campaign that has targeted hundreds of thousands of officials at all levels of government and state-owned industry.

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