The world’s biggest Guinness Book of Records Museum is a memorable–if peculiar–draw for visitors to Taichung, a gentle city of universities and bookstores about an hour’s flight from Taipei.
Category: Surrealpolitik
RTR FM 92.1 Now On The Internet | RTRFM Static Newsletter
Note that the RTRFM web address is now and that this is about how precise my user documentation ever gets.
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Kernot blah blah | Metior
* I’m not certain this was by me. I really can’t recall! It’s got elements of my style, but I’d bet Alison Humphry had a huge red hand in this.
AdVitriol | Pelican
(insert at end: Trademark (©) symbols have been added to references that are probably covered by copyright, dead peoples’ estates or simply for a further belch that any culture’s language is not free from commercial plunder)
Brenda and Eddy: Young Love Shattered | Metior
Brenda and Eddy: Young Love Shattered
NB 2003: Notes follow in italics. Explanation at bottom.
Chris, the following is the photolisting and basic storyline, ‘go hard’ entwining ya narrative with elements of current events: Romeo and Juliet, the Paxtons, young wedding, Crash, liquor licensing laws, Elle’s WA ads shot by Sydney film company, uni mergers …
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