Australian TV current affairs program grills Fiji leader

The region’s largest meeting of the year, the Pacific Islands Forum, kicks-off next week in Cairns and will be without official representation from Fiji or its interim prime minister and coup leader Commodore Frank Bainimarama.

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The unique Japanese taste of umami

For more than 100 years, Japan has claimed the edge over other national cuisines due to a rather unfair advantage. While the rest of the world’s meals rely on the four taste variations of sweet, salty, sour and bitter, Japan claims a unique fifth element which it calls umami.

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Pacific Beat Review April 10 2010

Fiji leader says media consultations ‘constructive’; Attorney-General defends Fiji draft media decree; Fiji’s Singapore-style media model ‘worrying’; Claims Fiji govt censorship affecting work of PINA; Princess Ashika report yet to be tabled in Tongan parliament; Pacific to benefit from Asia resurgence says World Bank; Solomons CINURA coalition to campaign as one.

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Government holds reaction to Tonga Ashika findings

There has been a call for the entire Tongan cabinet to resign following the Commission of Inquiry report into last year’s ferry disaster, which criticises the government for buying an unsafe and unseaworthy vessel.

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Pacific Beat 2009 year in review

As 2009 and the decade draws to a close, let’s now take a look back on a year which has seen some momentous events take place in this, our Pacific home. Bookended by the intractable political situation in Fiji and Papua New Guinea’s unchartered future with its new energy wealth, the year 2009 will instead be remembered for its deadly disasters.

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Pacific Beat Sept 30 2009 disaster pt 1 of 4

0500 TO 0530–Radio Australia’s Pacific Beat AM program of the Pacific quake and tsunami of September 30, 2009. This program went to air 68 minutes after the first wire flash of a quake off American Samoa, Samoa and Tonga.

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Pacific Beat Sept 30 2009 disaster pt 2 of 4

0530 TO 0600–Radio Australia’s Pacific Beat AM program of the Pacific quake and tsunami of September 30, 2009. This program went to air 68 minutes after the first wire flash of a quake off American Samoa, Samoa and Tonga.

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Pacific Beat Sept 30 2009 disaster pt 3 of 4

0600 TO 0630–Radio Australia’s Pacific Beat AM program of the Pacific quake and tsunami of September 30, 2009. This program went to air 68 minutes after the first wire flash of a quake off American Samoa, Samoa and Tonga.

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Pacific Beat Sept 30 2009 disaster pt 4 of 4

0630 TO 0700–Radio Australia’s Pacific Beat AM program of the Pacific quake and tsunami of September 30, 2009. This program went to air 68 minutes after the first wire flash of a quake off American Samoa, Samoa and Tonga.

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Jackie Chan angles for Chinese politics

What happens when the world’s most famous Chinese movie star, Jackie Chan, inadvertedly belittles a large part of his ethnic audience? As the blogs and China’s widespread diaspora agree, they tell him to shut up and keep kicking the bad guys and not them.

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