Toolbox: A Site of Your Own | Asiaweek

Creating a slick Internet homepage is not rocket science, and all the tools are at hand. Just open up your browser. Of all the SNU (Stuff Nobody Uses) buried in your Web browsing software, there is a program worth noticing. You may not realize it, but both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator – the … Continue reading “Toolbox: A Site of Your Own | Asiaweek”

Sting, Saturday October 19, 1996

Perth Entertainment Centre REDRAFT. For inclusion in The Australian, Tuesday October 22 Firmly and forever entrenched on the conservative FM airwaves through his distinguished solo career and those heady days with The Police nearly twenty years ago, Sting is still musing on affairs of love and continues to send his now middle aged, middle class … Continue reading “Sting, Saturday October 19, 1996”

Underground Lovers – Ascending for Now

Having been on the receiving end of widespread dancefloor hugging and acclaim for each of their last few albums, Underground Lovers’ lead singer Vince Giarrusso tells ADAM CONNORS how they pulled out of the record company apparatus for their new album to keep their sound as pure as their swirling, sweeping sounds.

Tyranny of Distance? Save your Pity For Yourselves

Article for The Australian – Western Australia feature (Sept, 1996): WA music industry It was during a small, suburban park cricket match in late 1995 that many of us finally realised that Western Australia’s largely unheralded music ‘renaissance’ had finally broken through. Halfway through the Treadmill Eleven’s dashing batting effort on a slow but true … Continue reading “Tyranny of Distance? Save your Pity For Yourselves”

Caterpillar Now; Team Jedi, Grosvenor Hotel, May 18, 1996

What a great time to catch a couple of mooted maestros of our megalopolis! Ensconced in warm loungerooms throughout Perth, most of the local gig-going public were doing their benchpresses for this week’s Kiss My WAMI marathon, thus the hardest of hardcore heads got their chance to swing cats in near empty venues and check … Continue reading “Caterpillar Now; Team Jedi, Grosvenor Hotel, May 18, 1996”