Brenda and Eddy: Young Love Shattered | Metior

Brenda and Eddy: Young Love Shattered By ADAM CONNORS and ALISON HUMPHRY NB 2003: Notes follow in italics. Explanation at bottom. Chris, the following is the photolisting and basic storyline, ‘go hard’ entwining ya narrative with elements of current events: Romeo and Juliet, the Paxtons, young wedding, Crash, liquor licensing laws, Elle’s WA ads shot … Continue reading “Brenda and Eddy: Young Love Shattered | Metior”

Underground Lovers – Ascending for Now

Having been on the receiving end of widespread dancefloor hugging and acclaim for each of their last few albums, Underground Lovers’ lead singer Vince Giarrusso tells ADAM CONNORS how they pulled out of the record company apparatus for their new album to keep their sound as pure as their swirling, sweeping sounds.

Wormfarm, Broadway Tavern, December 15, 1995

style n. air of distinction or fashion or superiority; Chocko Wormfarm’s red Safari suit last Friday night … The Stereo Spectacular that is Wormfarm is more than a feast for the ears, it has always been a festival for the eyes and, of course, your dancin’ feet. Back home in their familiar territorial watering-hole, the … Continue reading “Wormfarm, Broadway Tavern, December 15, 1995”

Tumbleweed; Spiderbait; Bodyjar, UWA Refectory, 7 July, 1995

With three of Australia’s loudest and fastest rock n’ punk bands on the bill, this was not going to be your average university cafe eve. The cavernous fast food grotto that by day is the UWA refectory, was this night transformed into a sonic sweat pit as the majority of Perth’s student skegs fogged up … Continue reading “Tumbleweed; Spiderbait; Bodyjar, UWA Refectory, 7 July, 1995”