Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine, Monday March 31, 1997

Burswood Superdome, Perth One would have thought that Gloria Estefan had far outgrown the Latino strut and golden shimmer of Miami Sound Machine. Still technically their lead singer, she has overshadowed the big Florida party band sound with her solo accolades and through the synthesiser-swelled conservatism of love balladry and tales of broken hearts.

Silverchair, Thursday March 27, 1997

McGilvray Oval Through the tiny window of opportunity that ‘grunge’ opened for simple youth bitterness, Newcastle’s silverchair (mind the non title case punctuation, they like it that way) was Australia’s gift from the great Kurt Cobain in the sky. Recorded while the members were just fifteen years of age, frogstomp, silverchair’s debut album, went on … Continue reading “Silverchair, Thursday March 27, 1997”

Underground Lovers – Ascending for Now

Having been on the receiving end of widespread dancefloor hugging and acclaim for each of their last few albums, Underground Lovers’ lead singer Vince Giarrusso tells ADAM CONNORS how they pulled out of the record company apparatus for their new album to keep their sound as pure as their swirling, sweeping sounds.

The Spinanes’ Rebecca Gates

Warm, generous in mirth, ensconced in simple riffery … Rebecca Gates, the once fanzine editor, record store clerk and college radio gun from Portland, Oregon, is certainly ‘chuffed’ about the peculiar rise of her now-jetsetting outfit, The Spinanes. “Chuffed? Yeah, chuffed is a great word for what has happened!”

Weathervane; Slugfest; Mosten Powell, Carlton Hotel, March 9, 1996

It was, I swear, the Zelda Fitzgerald Room of yore – the man sitting at the piano taking your money at the door; the musician sitting at his Wurlitzer, thumping out its wide selection of drum beats that he played with his feet while strumming a guitar; the viola player, back and to the right; … Continue reading “Weathervane; Slugfest; Mosten Powell, Carlton Hotel, March 9, 1996”

interview | The Big Day Out ’96 – Local Line-up

folks, here are 10 of the bands from the line-up. fill in the gaps by inserting The Tearjerks, Externals and Challenger 7 where you think they fit in the narrative. sorry, it’s quite long, but it is afterall ten bands and there is some extra stuff about Dirtbag and Atmosfear for CD launch/going away reasons. … Continue reading “interview | The Big Day Out ’96 – Local Line-up”

interview | Swervedriver (1995)

While the majority of the UK music scene is measuring each others’ hair length, IQ and ‘Beatleness’, some bands are actually getting down to business and writing great music. Once again it is led by Swervedriver, a band originally from Oxford but who now command one of their biggest audiences in America, the traditional graveyard … Continue reading “interview | Swervedriver (1995)”