MELBOURNE–Wonderful to have relatives in town. Bowie hung out with Uncle Joe and cousins Josh and Reece. Continue reading “Mental Notes July 2011”
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Mental Notes March 2011
MELBOURNE–Not pining for a new day. Maybe just reminiscing about some old digital projects I once was a major part of that are slowly being deleted by the ubercorp.
Mental Notes February 2011
MELBOURNE–Seeing Swervedriver tomorrow night and I surely must regale in the stuff I couldn’t put in The West , what, 12 years ago.
Continue reading “Mental Notes February 2011”
Mental Notes December 2010
WAROONA–By golly does having the hire car make a huge difference when in a country town. Headed up to Perth and the Pt Walter foreshore with Gene, Jacq and Chris for a bit of seagull chasing.
Alternative China prize aims to divert attention
A group of Chinese nationalists have forged ahead with their alternative to the Nobel Prize, the Confucius Peace Prize.
Continue reading “Alternative China prize aims to divert attention”
Presidency uncertain as Haiti cholera source found
The results of the first round of voting in Haiti’s presidential election has seen the government-backed candidate scrape close to elimination.
Continue reading “Presidency uncertain as Haiti cholera source found”
China claims nations will boycott Nobel
China has continued to voice its disappointment with the Nobel Peace Prize Committee and its choice of jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo.
Former Taiwan president begins long sentence
Former Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian has been moved to Taipei Prison to see out the remainder of his 19-year jail sentence.
Continue reading “Former Taiwan president begins long sentence”
Jailing of Solomons MP sets off riot
There’s been an outbreak of violence in the Solomon Islands capital following the sentencing of the country’s fisheries minister and MP for North Malaita province.
Mental Notes November 2010
MELBOURNE–I’ve resigned from the ABC. I begin work late December as head of online for the City of Melbourne.