Team unearths decorated WWII Marines’ remains on Tarawa

A US charity has discovered the bodies of 36 American Marines in Kiribati, including a famous Congressional Medal of Honour recipient, at the scene of some of the fiercest fighting in the Pacific during World War II.

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Robust Australian budget q&a draws call for defining aid

One aspect that hasn’t changed between this Australian budget and the last is the downward direction of aid and development funding as cuts of more than seven billion dollars over five years, signalled in last year’s budget, start to bite.

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Social payback delaying return of executions in PNG

The regional furore over the Indonesian government’s executions by firing squad of eight convicted drug offenders has turned the spotlight on Papua New Guinea’s plans to re-institute the death penalty there.

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Mobile-optimised Google search results could bury Pacific content

From Wednesday, Google will change the way it ranks search, prioritising companies that have mobile-friendly websites when people use the search engine on smart phones or tablet computers.

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Aus Senate votes for Moss Review committee as govt signs on Cambodia

It’s now been confirmed that Australia’s Senate will establish a Select Committee to review allegations relating to conditions and circumstances at the Australian-run Regional Processing Centre on Nauru.

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