Mental Notes: April 2005

Contributed to discussion.

Wow kilbotnet, queer indeed that I would, completely by chance, come here today for a visit and a cuppa tea. Ten years after being the Ed of Grok at Curtin, I’m too tired from work to actually deconstruct, instruct, or indeed tuck into me noodles. Paying off debts, you see, never lets you be. And itchy eyes isn’t just from putting student papers to bed. Where did I get my drive, my deathwish, my bladder control? Student press, funded by student unions, to fight for student/yoof rights probably. But as the other WA campi know, Curtin went the mass commercial route in the early 90s, UWA OWN(ed) so many resources they could, and probably still can, ride out a baht-style devaluation (but wasn’t there a Hungry Jacks on campus story in there somewhere?), Murdoch kept swinging but sorted a palacial new student area — from all accounts financially viable — and ECU simply died (’97-’98?). As I can only really comment on the wee 27k student campus of Curtin, yes, our trusty publishing crew was at complete loggerheads with the tightarse guild who were bent on commercial interests and doing things such as stacking the branch against any form of Women’s Dept. (a crime), but we publishers substantiated our stories (which should be the way, anyhow), kept a church/state divide, flirted but didnt give out. Apolitical was the buzz word, if not the centrist tome. But publishing suffered only in the time we spent substantiating “what the kids need” to hired bean counters, which turned out to be useful. And it survived. If you’re looking for your archtypal services commercialisation pre-terror VSU petri dish, check out Curtin 1992-on. I’ve not kept up with it since, really, but I suppose it’s still there (though my 1994 Website has gone. Heathens!). It goes without saying that non-VSU campi are going to get a huge shock as they struggle to keep essential services and still throw a good party (pun intended). Only one tip here for publishing as far as I recall: let the services/guild/unions show financial accountability, and the uni will welcome a free press. It’s a freakin’ fight. Guerilla warfare even. Fight.
