Mental Notes: April 2002

I am currently spending a couple of days in HK, organising my resident visa for TW. Then Sunday afternoon, a large-ish earthquake knocks the cranes off the top of the half-built 53-storey new financial center, just around the corner from where I used to live on Jenai Rd. (Sorry Tom – architect on the project and friend – a new bit of PR is needed on this one!) It is to be the tallest building in the world. This event reminds me vividly of when best bud Nina escaped the Sept. 27 quake of ’99 by one day. Yeah, that one was bigger by far, 7.6 and 2,400 deaths, but current word from TPE is that this one was one scary ride too. I’m back in TPE tomorrow, ready for rockin’ and aftershockin’. Egads.
