Mental Notes June 2010

MELBOURNE–Midwinter madness has well and truly set in. Am more than excited by the Talisman board game and soup tourney I’ve set up with mates next month. Is that wrong?

It’s not like I have a lot of time on my hands. But. One does need an invite to such things.

MELBOURNE–Liam Goat has begun his World Cup trip with the Uruguay v France match. Follow his reports at

But while in Melbourne we went walkies with Bowie. He captured this Abbey Rd moment in downtown St Kilda.

MELBOURNE–Happy to report success migrating to my larger more powerful YNA engine. Not that you would see anything cosmetically.

The fact that I’m writing this on my phone standing on the side of a road is one plus. Another is the Flash video ability for archiving my work news items.

Bub Bowie is doing fabulously. He’s a little charmer. A Valentino at mothers’ group. He’s in the powder-blue jacket holding hands with a lady bottom-right. Word.
