Mental Notes September 2020: Opening the suitcase

BRISBANE–Inspired by a photo found by Adam Trainer featuring Glide with me in 1995 in the RTRFM studio, I wondered what goodies were in that battered suitcase — see bottom-left — I flat-packed with hundreds of CDs without jewel cases 22 years ago.

Considering that in 1998 I was was about to faff around the world for ages, I pruned the collection to what I loved, or believed in, at the time.

So after opening the beast in 2020 and sorting the Australians from the internationale, here’s a snapshot of the locals. All now with new jewel jackets on the ‘old man iso project’ wall-length shelves.

Some dear Perth loved ones and record co. flips

Classy Perth singles and EPs

Mardi Picasso is the closest to genius I’ve seen, along with Tucker Bs obviously. Lots of foundation here

The top shelf, and seeds of it, and those that shouldabeeen

Max impact releases in Perth at the time

The Black Captain’s cover missed the previous pics because I was playing it at the time. It’s brilliant. RIP Pete Dunstan

Top-right Western Front CD was probably the second-most CD ever played on RTRFM 1990-1995 — apart from Crystal Journeys by Storytime

A few Aus ones not generally on the radar. Ratcat’s JPY one is okay, but their version of Jebediah’s Blame is mwah

Bit of an Aus wrap of goodies thar

Huge fan of each of these at the time. Dollop especially

Thanks to the bands and record co. folk who flipped me a copy many years ago.


26yo Adam

Also see the commentary on a version of this post on the Facebook group Sound as Ever.


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