4 thoughts on “mix | You’re Gonna Like This aircheck for Bay FM”

  1. Yo, loving this, great to hear you back it, been too long.
    Am half through show, the mix of recent w older but equally interesting makes sense to me, I enjoy making those connections or discovering new oldies to dig up. And I can see how a hits and memories demographic might be more willing to try the new show if it includes their preferred eras. Hope you get it over the line.

  2. About a minute into the second tune I thought, “Hmm, I need to get my openback headphones.” Which I did. Noice. Those sponsor ads, though. Real mood killers. There must be a better way to achieve brand recognition in this day and age, surely.

  3. This is great as I suspected it would be. You know your stuff! (duh).
    There’s real connection with the tunes and a real sense of respect and love for them.
    Actually, for music, generally. That’s the impression that I get.
    Impeccable presentation, succinct and informative, no waffly jibber-jabber. I’ve missed this voice on the wireless!
    Extra points for Turnstyle!
    Personal bugbear – don’t like the theme tune followed by a song then a hello. Hellos come straight after the theme and then the first tune – on BarrFm :)

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