Glance of human togetherness in Kazakh’s Tulpan

Many people consider the steppes of Kazakhstan as a largely desolate place – the large, flat plains that cover about half of the country being the home of shepherds, sheep and hot dry winds. But last year’s most awarded international film, Tulpan, has shown audiences worldwide that the most simple settings, and the most simple … Continue reading “Glance of human togetherness in Kazakh’s Tulpan”

India outsourcing to survive Satyam fall

At the start of this year, India was rocked by revelations that the huge software and outsourcing group Satyam had overestimated its profits to the tune of around $US1 billion. Before his arrest, chairman and IT poster-boy Ramalinga Raju said he had been “riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten”.

Huge cash injection for China state media

Large Western media organisations could do nothing but shake their heads this week as reports came out of China that $US7 billion dollars was to flow into state media. While newspapers, television, radio, and even internet properties in the Western world were being gutted by their parent organisations, China spoke of expanding its reach in … Continue reading “Huge cash injection for China state media”