Mental Notes: February 2006

MELBOURNE–Kawaii okii aka-chan. Thus the words from Emiko to Sue in the arrival of her lil’ baby, at 4.1kg, upon Emiko poppin’. What’s that mean? I don’t know. But it sounds freaky deeky. More here…

Our beautiful friend Emiko gave birth on a Sunday 2 January 2006 of little, um, a boy. In that, let’s just say in a Stewart moment he, allegedly, didn’t see a doodle in an ultasound and presumed a girl. Thus Jade the name. And pink clothes no doubt. Now he’s Jake. And he’s lovely. Chris Hook and I are godfathers (yes, note the lack of Title Case). It’s so fine.

Mental Notes: May 2005

MELBOURNE–Yes, yes, I know it’s self agrandisement, but I was fascinated this eve with how I spent my last ten birthdays. Notebook out at the pub, a few shudders, near-tears and complete blanks. If anyone knows the answers of the gaps that follow please let me know. Motivated obviously by going to a 23-year-old colleague’s b’day the other night and feeling, well, lived.

Mental Notes: May 2005

MELBOURNE–Just went a stonking lecture as part of the Deakin Lecture Series with Jay Rosen and Lance Knobel, and chaired by ABC Chairman Donald MacDonald (looking down his nose at it all) titled Reporting Change: the media and innovation. Though it really was looking at all that geeky terminology and putting a substantiating spin on it all – sound familiar, dear reader – it could have gone further by grilling the squirming Mr MacDonald about his own thoughts.

Mental Notes: April 2005

MELBOURNE–Am so tired! It’s not the fine climes of Melbourne killing me, it’s being solo in what should be a team in my new gig. Back to online means back to the usual neglect. Is there any other publishing realm which attracts such piss-poor resourcing? Itchy eyes, 9pm, still hours to go. Should be amusng if I take ill, or better, a holiday. And anyhow… housemate Kate leaving drinkies invite follows. Wei?